Women and men both are responsible to maintain a proper balance in any family. Women or homemakers take care of the household where their husbands are the earning members of the family. But such roles have changed drastically now we can see women are performing multiple roles whether taking care of their child, managing the entire household and earning for the family. Still in the countries like India, many qualified and capable women are not working because of several issues like –
- Unavailability of the right and trustworthy places where they can keep their kids during their working hours
- Difficult to maintain work-life balance due to irregular working hours
- Lack of support from their family members
- Comparatively less salary package than that of a men colleague
- Safety issues
Many times homemakers in India have to leave their jobs and stop dreaming of a bright career just for their family needs. Just for taking care of their household and kids they sometimes have to leave their jobs, and unfortunately in most cases, they don’t get any family support. Failure to achieve desired success can sometimes create several emotional health issues in homemakers like depression, anxiety etc.
In India, poverty can be another reason for women to feel isolated from society. In India women who are not economically stable can feel unsafe and sometimes might experience difficulty in maintaining their emotional wellbeing.
Sometimes in few working places, women employees experience less favour while comparison with their male colleagues. Here less job satisfaction can be another issue for women to feel inferior and experience emotional problems.
Safety is another main reason for women to avoid many places. Many times they have to face harassment issues outside and that can create an adverse psychological effect on their mind. The report says domestic violence is more common in homemakers than working women. In India, 31% of married women face physical or emotional violence by their spouses, and still, they keep silent just after thinking about their husbands and family.
Homemakers are more likely to experience emotional problems than men. Sometimes few hormonal changes in the body specially at the time of getting pregnant or post-pregnancy women could experience depression and frequent mood changes. Researchers said in homemakers’ depression, anxiety and a few unspecified psychological distresses are 2/3 times more common than in men.
The contribution of a homemaker can’t be ignored anyway. For the development of our society and economy, women have a great contribution, so we must secure their emotional wellbeing. We must prioritize social, economic and legal factors instead of mainly focusing on individual and lifestyle-related factors. There must be proper training and education system that can help people to understand women emotional issues and find the right solution for that. Our society has a big responsibility to take proper care of girls education, make women financially independent, provide adequate security to them and specially educate people about respecting them and recognize their contribution to our society. The emotional wellness of a homemaker should be given top importance so that they can be emotionally fit all the time and become more productive in every part of their life.
HappiMynd has recently taken a great initiative for the emotional wellbeing of all the homemakers in India. They’re offering 2 fantastic online tools that can help any woman to get enough emotional support. For every homemaker, it’s very important to go for a self-emotional screening. HappiLIFE Screening is such a fantastic online tool that can help them to realize their true potential. It can help them to understand their weakness and strength, and reveal many unknown factors in their personality. To become successful in life one must always feel happy from their mind. Hence it’s important to understand their emotional parameters. HappiLIFE Screening is a great choice here to inform you about all your emotional parameters.
Homemakers need special support for their emotional wellness and there must be someone who can listen to them and suggest the best solutions for their healthy emotional health. There could be some tough times in every women life when they need mental support. HappiCHAT is there for you. A helping hand is just a message away. Through HappiCHAT you can express anything related to your emotion while you need support. You can drop your message in the chat room anonymously and someone from HappiMynd team will get back to you to provide you with the required solutions.
All the tools of HappiMynd ensure complete assurance of confidentiality. They’re fully reliable and affordable as well.